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About us

We are a Private Security company with more than 20 years of experience in the market, providing comprehensive security services to individuals, companies and organizations.
Our team is made up of trained, highly experienced professionals who integrate security solutions in several countries in the region.

Specific Objectives

We are committed to providing our clients with the information they need to grow their businesses, even in high-risk areas. As your ally in security, we can help you safeguard your family, your capital, company, employees and merchandise.

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Quienes Somoso

Seguridad Del Sur  bases all services on sustained and constructive communication with innovative solutions, respecting strict rules of ethics and current legislation.

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Physical security

Surveillance staff.

Business Protection.

Business Protection.

Protection of Families.


V.I.P. Custody.

Care of Personalities (athletes, actors, politicians, businessmen).

Custody of Merchandise in Transit.

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Electronic security

Alarm Systems, CCTV, Video Surveillance.

Perimeter security.

Fire Detection.

Access control.

Satellite tracking.

Installation of Safe Rooms (Cameras, Microphones).

Panic button.

Security Totem

Monitoring Center.

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Security at Public and Private Events and Shows

These services are offered through a strategic alliance with a partner company authorized to offer Admission and Permanence Control (CAP) services.


Mass events.

Political events.

Sports events.


Night spots.

Executive Transfer

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Executive Transfer.

Armored vehicles.

Multiservice vans.

Charter Services.

Air and Maritime Services.

Bilingual drivers.

Private Flights.

Door to Door Services.

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Informatic security

Encrypted information.

Network Security and Data Protection.

Audit and monitoring of Digital Security.

Forensic Analysis of Network Instruction.




Digital Security Audit and Monitoring.

Detection of Ingestion of Narcotics or Drugs of staff.

Analysis of vulnerabilities and risk at different levels.

Setting up safe routes and paths.

Due Diligence.

Competitive intelligence.

Corporate fraud.

Private Detectives.



Escort Training at three levels T1, T2 and T3.

Training for Private Security Personnel.

Training for Security Forces Personnel.

Personal Defense Training for Civilians.

Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Shooting Course.

Defensive, Practical and Dynamic Shooting Course.

Police Operations Course.

ITB Category Shooting Instructor Course.

Israeli Combat Shooting Course.

CPR and AED management course.

Course on Management of Risk Situations in Companies.

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Alliance with Centers

Training Enabled.


About us

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Active member of the Association of Private Security Companies of Argentine Capital of the City of Buenos Aires.

The services provided are strictly within the current legal regulations. The implementation of prevention and safety plans, audits, studies and reports constitute an action that assures recipients that the safeguarding measures applied do not carry the risk of violating laws and regulations.


The company is authorized as a provider of private security services by the General Directorate of Private Security Services and Asset Custody of the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, as well as by the Provincial Directorate for the Management of Private Security of the Ministry of Justice of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Proud of our commitment


Years of experience

Taking care of families, assets, companies, businesses.


Services provided, projects executed and satisfied clients.


Protected areas, Companies, Businesses, Consortiums, Private Neighborhoods and Countries.


People trained with our training.


Countries of influence, with trade and complementation agreements.

Nuestro Equipo

Our managers, officers in voluntary retirement from security forces, graduates in Security, graduates in Technologies Applied to Security and senior technicians in Safety, Hygiene and Industrial Environmental Control, provide their training and experience to achieve excellence in the development of activity.

Jorge Gizzi

Managing Director

Former official of the Argentine Federal Police. With more than 30 years of Public Service and more than 20 years as Director General of Southern Security in the private sector. Expert in risk analysis and technological implementations of security in companies.

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Patricio Sanders

Commercial Director

With more than 20 years of experience in strategic and commercial development, he stands out for his leadership, creativity, seriousness, commitment and adaptability in various areas. He led the first 911 Emergency Attention center in Bolivia and participated in more than 20 Urban Video Surveillance projects in Argentina. He has extensive technological knowledge applied to security.


Gastón Zanazzo

Director of operations

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Creator and founder of GIP, Operations Manager, international police instructor, martial arts master, ITB shooting instructor, weapons handling specialist, security specialist, VIP custodian, risk analysis and conflict resolution specialist, and leader coordinator of the national system and international executive team. He is also a reference police instructor at the ministerial level in the Province of Buenos Aires.


Sebastián Santillan

Technical director

Technology security expert with a unique combination of academic training, specialized certifications and practical experience. His career demonstrates a continuous commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of security, positioning him as a benchmark in the industry, with more than 30 years of experience.

Academic training:

  • Professor in Industrial Disciplines (UTN, 2021).

  • Postgraduate in Protection against Fires and Contingencies (UNL, 2022).

  • Bachelor's Degree in Technologies Applied to Security (UTN, 2015).

  • Higher Technician in Urban and Port Security (UTN, 2008).

Work experience:

  • National Technological University: Professor and teacher in security careers since 2007.

  • Federal Penitentiary Service: Head of Electronic Security (1999-2018).

  • PREVENIRelectronic: Owner and designer.

Key Certifications:

  • Installer Electrician.

  • Electronic Security Systems Technician.

  • Security Alarm Installer.


  • Member of IRAM standards committees for security systems.


  • Security project management.

  • Training and professional training.

  • Technical and academic advice.

Work with us, send your CV to the email address

Download the Company Presentation.


CUIT 30-70962947-2

Provincia Bs.As.
Resolucion 2019-662-GDEBA-DPGSPMSGP del Ministerio de Seguridad de la

Provincia de Buenos Aires. 
CABA Disposición 2023-424-GCABA-DGSPCB

Mandatory Life Insurance Decree 1567/74Sancor Seguros Policy 966795Civil Liability Insurance. Mercantil Andina Policy 001443591Occupational Risk Insurance Company. ART Province

Contract 295987.


Thank you for your message!

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Buenos Aires Province Branch

Almafuerte 2980 Of 1 San Justo CP B1754ARZ

CABA Branch

San Blas 3680, CABA CP C1407FTH

Tel: +54 911 5325 2581

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